229216 is Pin Code of Bairua
229216 is Pin Code of Bairua and 10 Other Post Offices in Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh
Pin code of Bairua is 229216. Bairua is located in Raebareli Uttar Pradesh. Type your city name below & search instantly....
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229216 is Pin Code of Bairua + 10 Other Places(Sectors/Towns or Villages)
Location | Bairua |
City/Taluk | Lalganj |
District | Raebareli |
State | Uttar Pradesh |
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229216 is Pin Code of Bairua
We find Bairua & 10 other post offices locations with same postal code - 229216 inside our largest pin codes database. You can easily search your city pincode and other information about your city by using our quick Pin Code Locator Tool.
Find All 10 Locations With Pin Code - 229216 Located Under Lalganj City in Uttar Pradesh
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S.No | Location / Keyword |
1 | Mahaveer Nagar |
2 | Azamgarh |
3 | Narsapur |
4 | Boha |
5 | Bowrampet |
6 | Indore |
7 | Bombay |
8 | Nagni |
9 | Avarampalayam |
10 | New Siddhapudur |
11 | Japodar |
12 | Kolthige Co-Operative Milk Producers Union |
13 | Chanpanagari |
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