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Marwatia Kasaila Post Office Pin Code is 272002

Location marwatia-kasaila
City/Taluk Basti Sadar
District Basti
State Uttar Pradesh

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Marwatia Kasaila Pin Code is 272002 located under Basti Sadar city in Uttar Pradesh

272002 is a postal code of post office location Marwatia Kasaila. This is a sub locality(a village, small town or sector) located under Basti Sadar city in Uttar Pradesh, India. Inside Pincode.City postal codes database, you can explore pincodes of all locations in India. You can easily search all information about any city, village or town by using our quick Pin Code Locator Tool.

Find More Locations With Same Pin Code - 272002 Located Under Basti Sadar City in Uttar Pradesh

  1. Baghnagar
  2. Bai Pokhar
  3. Bankata
  4. Basti B.S.
  5. Basti Sugar Factory
  6. Bhelkha
  7. Chhapia Sheobaran
  8. Dakhin Darwaza
  9. Dudhaura
  10. Ganeshpur
  11. Gaura
  12. Hathiagarh
  13. Jamadashahi
  14. Karahi
  15. Karma Khan
  16. Kondra Pandey
  17. Labnapar
  18. Madwanagar
  19. Majahuwameer
  20. Majhauwa Khajuri
  21. Manjharia Vikram
  22. Nagahara
  23. Orawara
  24. Pakari Dhaurahra
  25. Pakri Jai
  26. Pandey Bazar
  27. Puraina Mansoor
  28. Puraina Pandey
  29. Purani Basti (Basti)
  30. Pursia
  31. Raghunathpur
  32. Rasoolpur
  33. Saithawalia
  34. Subdeiyakala
  35. T B Clinic
  36. Ushara Shahid

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