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Station Road (Budaun) Post Office Pin Code is 243601

Location station-road-(budaun)
City/Taluk Budaun
District Budaun
State Uttar Pradesh

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Station Road (Budaun) Pin Code is 243601 located under Budaun city in Uttar Pradesh

243601 is a postal code of post office location Station Road (Budaun). This is a sub locality(a village, small town or sector) located under Budaun city in Uttar Pradesh, India. Inside Pincode.City postal codes database, you can explore pincodes of all locations in India. You can easily search all information about any city, village or town by using our quick Pin Code Locator Tool.

Find More Locations With Same Pin Code - 243601 Located Under Budaun City in Uttar Pradesh

  1. Arifpur Nawada
  2. Asis Berkhin
  3. Asrasi
  4. Baburam Market
  5. Barachirra
  6. Baudaun Kty
  7. Bharkuian
  8. Brahmpur (Budaun)
  9. Buda R.S.
  10. Budaun City
  11. Budaun
  12. Budhawai
  13. Chaudhary Sarai
  14. Civil Liens
  15. Dugraiya
  16. Fatehpur
  17. Gaurami
  18. Gidhaul
  19. Gularia
  20. Gurgaon
  21. Halwai Chawk
  22. Ikri
  23. Jagat
  24. Jakheli
  25. Jalalpur
  26. Kakora
  27. Katinna Berchau
  28. Kendela
  29. Kudah Shahpur
  30. Kumargaon
  31. Kurau
  32. Lahi Faridpur
  33. Lakhanpur
  34. Mahclai
  35. Mn Sulra
  36. Mongar
  37. Musajhag
  38. Nauli Fatuhabad
  39. Naushera
  40. Nizampur
  41. Noorpur
  42. Patiali Sarai
  43. Police Line (Budaun)
  44. Qadarchawk
  45. Qazi Mohalla
  46. Ram Zanpur
  47. Roop Pur
  48. Sakhanu
  49. Sakri Kasimpur
  50. Salarpur
  51. Sheikhupur (Budaun)
  52. Shyam Nagar
  53. Singraura
  54. Sirsa Dabrai
  55. Sotha
  56. Unola

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